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Fragments from the movie

Fragments from the movie "After. Chapter 2" (2020) - watch

Many viewers are eagerly awaiting the release of the sequel to After. The first part of the tape, based on the bestseller of the same name, made a splash. The premiere of the sequel in Russia is scheduled for September 17, 2020. Fragments have already appeared on the network...

Cowboy Bebop - TV series 2020: release date, actors, trailer

Cowboy Bebop - TV series 2020: release date, actors, trailer

In his Twitter account, Netflix has published a video preview of the new science fiction series "Cowboy Bebop", which will be an adaptation of the anime of the same name. The release date and trailer for the series "Cowboy Bebop" are expected in 2020, the plot and the actors are already known....

2021 Book Films: Watch The Best Online Picks

2021 Book Films: Watch The Best Online Picks

The adaptation of sensational novels and books is always perceived favorably by fans of the literary talent of famous authors. Viewers want to see heroes embodied on the screen and compare them with book images. Films based on books of different...
